Tuesday, 29 October 2019

ANU B.Sc UG 3rd Semester OOP Throw Java Unit wise important Questions with Previous Papers

ANU B.Sc UG 3rd Semester OOP Throw Java Unit wise important Questions are now available and you can download them from the below. For answers of these question visit www.tutorialtpoint.net


  1. What is object oriented parading (OOP)? How it is different from procedure oriented parading?
  2. Explain the basic concepts of OOP.  [ NU Nov 16] [ ANUR Nov 16] [ BRAU Nov 16 ] [KU Nov 16] [RU Nov 16]
  3. Explain merits and demerits of OOP. [ ANUR Nov 16]
  4. What are the benefits of OOP? Also list its applications. [AU Nov 16] [RU Nov 16]
  5. Explain java feature. [AU Nov 16] [KU Nov 16]
  6. Explain structure of java program. [ ANUR Nov 16] [RU Nov 16]
  7. Explain different types of data types available in java [AU Nov 16]
  8. Explain different types of operators available in java. [RU Nov 16]
  9. Explain about Java Virtual Machine. [ ANUR Nov 16] [ BRAU Nov 16 ]
  10. What are command line arguments? Write a java program to illustrate them.
  11. What is constant in java? Explain different types of constants available in java. [AU Nov 16] [BRAU Nov 16 ]
  12. What is typecasting? Explain different types of typecasting techniques in java. [KU Nov 16]
  13. How to create and execute a simple java program?

  1. Explain different decision / Branching  making statements in java. [ NU Nov 16] [AU Nov 16]
  2. Explain different looping statements in java. [ NU Nov 16] [ BRAU Nov 16 ] [KU Nov 16]
  3. Explain Jumps in loops. [RU Nov 16]
  4. Explain control structures in Java { Note: Answer is loops and jumps in loops } [ ANUR Nov 16]
  5. Define class and object. Explain how to access class members in java
  6. What constructor? What are the properties of constructor? Explain. [RU Nov 16]
  7. What is Overloading? Explain how to overload methods. [ NU Nov 16] [ BRAU Nov 16 ] [KU Nov 16] [RU Nov 16]
  8. Explain static members in Java. [KU Nov 16]

  1. What is inheritance? Explain different forms of inheritance in java. [ NU Nov 16] [ ANUR Nov 16] [KU Nov 16]
  2. Explain various advantages of inheritance? Why multiple inheritance is not supported in Java.  [AU Nov 16]
  3. What is overloading? How to overload methods in java? Explain [ NU Nov 16] [ ANUR Nov 16] [KU Nov 16]
  4. Explain Nesting of Methods in Java. [ ANUR Nov 16]
  5. What is the difference between overloading and overriding. [ ANUR Nov 16]
  6. What is the use of “Final “Keyword in java? Explain.
  7. What are abstract classes? How they are different from normal classes? Explain. [AU Nov 16]
  8. What is an array? Explain different types of arrays in java. [ NU Nov 16]
  9. What is String? How java strings are different from others? Explain its methods.
  10. What is Vector in java? Explain with an example. [KU Nov 16]
  11. Explain difference between vector and arrays in java. [ ANUR Nov 16]
  12. What are wrapper classes? Why they needed in java? Explain. [ ANUR Nov 16]
  13. Explain the differences between interface and abstract classes.  [AU Nov 16]
  14. What is interface? How it is different from abstract class? How to create them?
  15. What are the differences between class and interface. [ BRAU Nov 16 ]
  16. Explain different forms of interfaces with examples.
  17. Describe how to implement the concept of multiple inheritance using interfaces with example. [KU Nov 16]
  18. Explain Defining, extending, implementing interfaces with example. [RU Nov 16]
  19. Write the differences between overloading and overriding in java.
  20. Write a java program to add, subtract, and multiply two matrices using arrays.

  1. What is thread? Explain different ways of creating threads in java with examples. [AU Nov 16] [KU Nov 16]
  2. What is the difference between process and thread.  [AU Nov 16]
  3. What is thread? With neat diagram explain thread life cycle. [ ANUR Nov 16] [RU Nov 16]
  4. What is synchronization? How to synchronization threads in java? Explain. [ NU Nov 16] [KU Nov 16]
  5. Explain thread priorities in java [ NU Nov 16]
  6. How will you stop and block a thread. [ BRAU Nov 16 ]
  7. What is exception? Explain how to handle java exceptions with example. [ NU Nov 16] [KU Nov 16]
  8. What is an error? Explain different types of errors in Java. [ NU Nov 16] [ ANUR Nov 16]
  9. What is multi catch statement? How it works? Explain
  10. What is the use of finally block? Explain.
  11. List some of the most common types of exceptions that might occur in java.

  1. What is an applet? Explain different types of apples in java. [ NU Nov 16] [RU Nov 16]
  2. Explain applet life cycle with neat diagram. [AU Nov 16]
  3. With an example, explain how to create and run an applet program in java. [ BRAU Nov 16 ] (OR)
  4. How can you create executable applets. [ ANUR Nov 16]
  5. Explain different sections of a web page.
  6. How to add applet to HTML File? [KU Nov 16] 
  7. How to pass parameter to applets
  8. What is package? How to create access and use package? Explain. [ NU Nov 16] [ ANUR Nov 16] [RU Nov 16]
  9. What are different types of packages available in java? Explain.
  10. Write about java API packages
  11. Write package naming conventions.
  12. Write about static import in java.


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