Tuesday, 10 March 2020

ANU UG B.Sc 6th Sem Operating System Important Questions

ANU UG B.Sc 6th Sem Operating System Important Questions for five units are now available, by reading these questions you can get good marks in external exams. The question papers consists of 10 question and you need to answer any five of them. Each question carries 15 marks.

B.Sc 6th Sem Operating System Important Questions

UNIT-I ( Operating System Introduction)

1. What is Operating System? Write its objectives and functions.
2. Explain different computer system architectures.
3. Explain the evaluation of Operating System.
4. What are the different operations that can be done / Services provided by Operating System? Explain.


1.What is process? Explain process state diagram and process control block.
2. What are threads? Explain thread scheduling in Operating System.
3. Write about criteria required for Scheduling process.
4. Explain process scheduling algorithms in Operating System.
5. What is process synchronization? Explain critical section problem.
6. Explain various classical problems of synchronization.

UNIT-III ( Memory Management)

1. Explain the function of memory management.
2. What is addressing? Explain its types.
3.What is fragmentation? Explain internal and external fragmentation.
4. What is paging? What hardware is required for paging? write merits and demerits of paging.  
5. Write about various page replacement algorithms with examples.

UNIT-IV ( File Management)

1.  Write about file management in Operating System.
2. Describe different types of file access methods.
3. What are the different operations on the directory.
4. How the protection are provided to the files from Operating System.
5. Explain the file system structure.
6. Explain various disk scheduling algorithms in Operating System.

UNIT-V ( Deadlocks)

1. What is deadlock? What are the necessary conditions for deadlock to occur? Explain.
2. What is deadlock? What are various methods to handle deadlocks? Explain.
3. What is deadlock? How they are avoided?
4. What is deadlock? How they are prevented?
5. Describe Banker's algorithm for deadlock avoidance.
6. Explain how deadlock are detected and corrected.
7.Give a schema for detecting and recovering deadlocks.

Note: Since the question paper consists of 10 question, 2 questions from each unit will be given. you need to answer any 5. So, read any 3 units completely.


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