Sunday, 15 December 2019

ANU UG 2nd Sem B.Com Business Environment Important Questions

ANU UG 2nd Sem B.Com Business Environment Important Questions are now available. The questions are prepared by top examiners and you can get maximum of 70 marks in your external exams. Keep reading Acharya nagarjuna university important from

UNIT-I (Overview of Business Environment)
  1. Explain the changing scenario of business environment.
  2. Briefly explain the macro environmental factors of business.[ANU 19]
  3. Define the term business environment. Write the significance of  studying the business environment. [ANU 17]
  4. Explain the macro environmental factors of business. [ANU 2019]
  5. Explain about legal and political environment.
  6. Explain business environment in Indian perspective.
  7. Explain demographical aspects of business environment.
  8. Write an essay on economic and technological aspects of business environment.
  9. What is business environment. Explain economic dimensions of business environment.[ANU 17]
  10. What is business environment? Explain its types.
  11. Explain the role of government in business development.
  12. Demographic changing scenario and implications of Global perspectives.[ANU 18]
  13. Changing scenario and implications of business environment with respect to Indian perspective. Explain. [ANU 17]
  14. Explain the internal and external factors influencing business environment.[ANU 16]
  15. Write a detailed note on the importance of business environment at national and international level.[ANU 16]
  16. Explain the macro and micro environment.
UNIT-II (Economic Growth)
  1. Define economic growth and economic development. What are the factors influencing the economic development of India. [ANU 17,16]
  2. Explain the meaning and characteristics of economic growth.
  3. Explain the need for balanced regional development.
  4. What are the causes for regional disparities in India.
  5. State the causes of regional imbalance.[ANU 17]
  6. Trace out the effects of demonetisation on the Indian Economic. [ANU 19]
  7. Write the meaning and indicators if regional imbalance.[ANU 19,18]
  8. What are the measures would you suggest to control regional imbalances?[ANU 18]
  9. Explain the need for balanced regional development.
  10. Explain the role of various factors / contribution in economic development.
  11. What are the reasons for regional inequalities? What are the measures taken by government to reduce regional regional inequalities through the policy of balanced regional development.
UNIT-III (Development and Planning)
  1. Write in brief Roston's stages of economic development.[ANU 17,18,19]
  2. Explain the main objectives of economic planning in India.
  3. Describe about NITI Ayog and National Development council.
  4. Difference between NITI Ayog and planning commission. [ANU 16]
  5. Define Five Year Plans. Explain objectives and importance of Five Year Plans.[ANU 16]
  6. Briefly describe various five year plans. List the achievements of various five year plans.
  7. What do you mean by NITI Ayog ? How it replaces the planning commission?[ANU 17]
  8. What is economic planning? Why it is necessary? Write the various types of plans.[ANU 18]
  9. Explain the main objectives of planning in India. Explain about the level of achievement.[ANU 19].
UNIT-IV (Economic Policies)
  1. Explain new industrial policy 1991.
  2. Explain the objectives and limitations of Fiscal policy.[ANU 17]
  3. What is new economic policy? Write the need and components of new economic policy.[ANU 19,8]
  4. Write about the measures of monetary policy for controlling credit.[ANU 19]
  5. What are economic reforms? Why were these reforms necessary? Explain with reference to the Indian scenario.[ANU 17]
  6. What are the economic reforms in various sectors? Discuss the challenges faced by economic reforms.[ANU 16]
  7. What are the various economic reforms made in India during the recent past?
  8. Explain the objectives and limitations of fiscal policy.[ANU 16]
  9. Explain Liberalisation, privatisation and Globalisation policies of  government if India.
  10. Explain the industrial policy of government of India.
  11. Explain the importance objectives of competition law, 2002.
  12. What is Union budget? Discuss the structure and importance of union budget.[ANU 18]
UNIT-V (Social, Political and Legal Environment)
  1. What is social injustice? Explain the various causes.[ANU 17,18,19]
  2. What are the items included in business social responsibility? 
  3. What is social Justice? Write social welfare programes of government of India.
  4. How does the legal changes influence the business environment.[ANU 19]
  5. Explain about political stability in business environment.  
  6. Explain the government schemes in social sector.
  7. Write about legal changes.
  8. Explain the concept of social justice.
  9. Describe political instability, discuss the impact of political instability on Indian economy.[ANU 16]
  10. Explain consumer protect Act, 1986 and state the features and objectives.[ANU 16]
  11. How does the political stability promote the progress of business environment? Discuss.[ANU17] 
  12. Explain the direct relation between political stability and prosperity of business environment Discuss.[ANU 18]
  13. What are the fundamental rights that are guaranteed by our Indian constitution.
  14. Describe competition law of 2002.
Short Answer Questions

  1. Old concept of business environment. [ANU 2019]
  2. Any two definitions of business environment. [ANU 2019]
  3. Nature of economic growth. [ANU 2019]
  4. Weaknesses for not success in reading the gap of regional imbalance. [ANU 2019]
  5. What is economic planning? [ANU 2019]
  6. NITI Ayoga Vs Planning commission. [ANU 2019]
  7. Top economic reforms of 2002. [ANU 2019]
  8. Social injustice.[ANU 2019,17]
  9. Significance of business environment. [ANU 18]
  10. Meaning of business environment.[ANU 18,17]
  11. Economic growth.[ANU 18,17]
  12. Balance regional development.[ANU 18]
  13. Objectives of economic planning.[ANU 18]
  14. National development council.[ANU 18,17]
  15. Top economic reforms of 2012.[ANU 18]
  16. Legal changes. [ANU 18]
  17. Macro dimensions of business environment. [ANU 17]
  18. New economic policy. [ANU 17]
  19. Union budget. [ANU 17,16]
  20. Meaning of plans. [ANU 17]
  21. Nature of business environment.[ANU 16]
  22. Objectives of industrial policy. [ANU 16]
  23. Micro environment. [ANU 16]
  24. Economic reforms. [ANU 16]
  25. Political stability. [ANU 16]
  26. Types of plans. [ANU 16]


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