ANU UG B.Com 6th Sem Marketing Important Questions are now available. These questions are prepared by top examiners of, by preparing these questions you can get a maximum of 70 marks in your external exams. Best of luck.
UNIT-I (Introduction)
- Define the term marketing.Explain briefly different concepts of marketing.[ANU 19]
- What is marketing? Explain the importance and objectives of marketing.
- What is market? What is marketing? Also explain the scope of marketing.[ANU 18]
- Discuss briefly the 4p's of marketing.
- What do you mean by marketing? How do you classify markets?
- Define the terms 'Market', 'Marketing', and 'Selling'. Distinguish between marketing and selling.
- What us environment? How do define Indian marketing environment? What are its components?
- What is the nature if marketing environment? Explain the procedure of marketing environment analysis.[ANU 19]
- What is environment? What forces determine external marketing environment? Discuss.
- Explain controllable and uncontrollable marketing environmental factors.
- What is marketing environment? Explain the internal factors that affecting market environment.[ANU 18]
- What do you understand by the concept of societal marketing? Explain in detail.
UNIT-II (Consumer Markets and Buyer Behaviour)
- Evaluate the process involved in buying decisions.
- What is market segmentation? What are its advantages and limitations? What are basis of market segmentation?[ANU 18]
- What is market segmentation? Explain its objectives.[ANU 18]
- Write about the segmentation basis for consumer markets.
- What is consumer behaviour? State the determinations of consumer behaviour.
- What do you understand by consumer behaviour? Explain the steps to be followed in consumer decision making.
- What do you understand by the word buying behaviour? In what way it will affect buying decision process?[ANU 18]
- Explain different types of buying behaviour.
- Differentiate between a consumer and buyer behaviour.
- Define the term " buyer behaviour". What is the significance of consumer behaviour study.[ANU 18]
- What is buying behaviour? Explain the stages in buying behaviour.
- What is market segmentation? Explain the stages in buying decision process.
UNIT-III (Product Management)
- Explain briefly the process of developing new products.
- What is Brand equality? How is it built and maintained? Explain.
- Define branding? Role and characteristics of branding?
- Explain the reasons for failure of new product.
- What is packaging? Explain the functions of packaging.
- Define product life cycle. What are its major implications, merits and limitations? Explain the strategies followed at each stage of product cycle.[ANU 18]
- Discuss in detail product packaging objectives and strategies.[ANU 18]
- Explain product planning and development strategy.[ANU 19]
- What are the essentials of good packaging? What are packaging decisions? [ANU 19,18]
- What are the various product management decisions taken by a manager.
- What do you understand by a product? Discuss its characteristics.
- What is product innovation? How will you manage innovation successfully?
UNIT-IV (Pricing Decision)
- Write in detail about penetrating pricing with the help of an example.
- Outline the factors which are influencing price determination.
- What are price differentials? How they used to the benefit the marketers?
- What do you mean by advertising? Explain the functions of advertising?
- What are different methods of pricing policy? Explain any two methods of differences?
- What is pricing? What factors influence pricing?[ANU 19]
- What is pricing? What are the major objectives of pricing? [ANU 18,19]
- What is pricing strategy? Explain its components.[ANU 18]
- Explain the differences between skimming and penetration pricing.
- What are the factors influencing price of a product?
- Enumerate the internal factors that influence the pricing of products by a company.
- Explain merits and demerits of pricing Methods.
- Appropriate pricing methods are important for success of pricing decision. Comment. Also explain popular pricing methods.[ANU 19]
UNIT-V (Promotion and Distribution)
- Explain promotion Mix.
- What are distribution channels? Explain their role and importance in marketing.
- What is promotion and promotion mix? Discuss various factors that determine promotion mix.[ANU 18]
- Illustrate principles and functions of marketing channels.[ANU 18]
- What is a retailer? What are the functions and types of retailers?
- What are the advantages and limitations of personal selling?
- What is advertising? What are its functions?
- Outline the need and significance of advertising.
- What are the functions of wholesalers?
- What are the functions of channels of distribution?
- What do you understand by intermediaries? Explain the types of intermediaries.
- What do you understand by marketing channels? Explain the principles and role of marketing channels?
- Define Advertising? Discuss advantages and limitations.
- What is public relations and personal selling? In what way they are different from each other?[ANU 19]
- Discuss factors governing the channel choice.[ANU 19]
- Need of marketing. [ANU 18]
- Importance of market segmentation. [ANU 18]
- Elements of branching. [ANU 18]
- Pricing policies. [ANU 18]
- Rationality of direct marketing. [ANU 18]
- 4p's of marketing. [ANU 18]
- Consumer marketing. [ANU 18]
- What is labeling. [ANU 18]
- Nature of marketing. [ANU 19]
- What are the elements of marketing-mix? Discuss in brief.[ANU 19]
- What is consumer behaviour?[ANU 19]
- Benefits of segmentation.[ANU 19]
- Steps in new product development.[ANU 19]
- Going rate pricing.[ANU 19]
- Give any three advantages of online marketing.[ANU 19]
- Need for communication. [ANU 19]
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