There are so many reasons why most of the students are not fit into CBCS Degree Structure. Here we are presenting some of the reasons with solutions.But before that you should know some facts about it. The total reasons are categorized into three categories: in student point, in college point, in university point.
Things you should renumber some points before going forward.
We will start solutions from students and finally end with university side. If you fee these are useful to you and these are like and share..comment your opinion in below.
Things you should renumber some points before going forward.
- Don't compare CBCS degree exams with B.Tech or some other exams.
- The things discussed here is about our knowledge and these don't blame any one.
- don't follow text papers.
The meaning of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) in brief :
- CHOICE BASED - Choice of multiple courses
- GRADING - Marks secured is in letter grade format
- SEMESTER - Learner- Teacher Engagement Quotient can be measured/ identified semester-wise
- CREDIT - Class hours per week carries additional importance in credit system
- ASSESSMENT - In the form of class room attendance, Mid Term Tests etc; is continuous and wide-ranging.
In University Point of View:
We will present here both advantages and disadvantages from university point of view. These things some are mentioned official in curricula of CBCS and some are from our experience only.Advantages:
- Conducting of exams within time.
- Publishing of results within time.
- Good monitoring exam system.
- Less time for each and every semester for exams and class work.
- No perfect plan while doing evaluation.
- In some of the cases it is proven. The lecturers who teach subject at classes are not correcting respective papers.due to this entire class of students failed in subjects. For example...
This type of things will happen..if evaluation is not good..
- Most of the students are thinking University do fail for revaluation fee purpose only. This issue creates lots of doubts in students...
In Colleges Point of View
We will present here both advantages and disadvantages from
university point of view. These things some are mentioned official in
curricula of CBCS, Some are different from college to college and some are from our experience only. The main aim of most of the college is take more admissions by providing good education.
We are not mentioning as many advantages here. most these depends on your respective colleges.
- Free education is providing most of the colleges with some conditions.
- There is no need to go any place to study.every where colleges are available.
- Promises made to students.
- No proper way to conduct Mid term exams.
- No proper way of conducting lab exams.
- No perfect idea about semester exam pattern and due to this the students not getting any info about it.
- Inability of preparing own material according syllabus.
- Following text papers for teaching.
- No library facility.
- No proper evaluation of student performance in terms of marks, knowledge.
In student point of view
- Mostly all the students are doing handwork.
- Mostly all are regular for college.
Myths of students about exams.
- Degree is easy, we can prepare before night of exams or after notifications release.
- University is failing students intentionally.
- We can pass in revaluation without writing any thing.
- I am failed same subject so many times.. It is university fault.
- Text papers are released by university.. But when we write matter from it in exams we failed in exams.
- we can passing by filing exam booklet all papers.
We will start solutions from students and finally end with university side. If you fee these are useful to you and these are like and share..comment your opinion in below.
In CBCS mid term exams are conducted to evaluate a student how they studied. Two mid exams are conducted before final exams. Each mid exam carries 25 Marks and they are added in final exams. If a student gets 25/25 marks, it means he / she studied entire subject according to syllabus. But actually what is happening is a student gets 25/25 in internal exams..but no pass marks in public exams. How is this possible?
It's possible because colleges giving maximum marks for everyone. The mid exams are not given according to CBCS rules. This is play 50% in failing a subject. For example
If this students gets 20+ marks in internal exams that means many marks he / she got in external exams? Do attend mid exams. Write them by preparing well. Ask the faculty to correct papers and check how you is your study. This makes 100% passing any subject.
Don't follow text papers. Ask faculty to give material / Notes..or buy text books..or prepare your own notes..If u don't have money and time..then you can download materials and text books free of cost free this website..No university officially released any text papers.
Start your preparation from first day:
- Download syllabus.
- If faculty told this is important question, note it and learn it quickly as soon as possible.
- Attend exams conducted in colleges. Treat like them as external exams.. Ask faculty to correct them and check your answers.
- for passing any subject read at least three units completely according syllabus..each and every topic.
- Don't think only important questions pass you.
- Read at least two hours per day..CBCS degree passing is not possible by 20T20 Reading.
- Completing syllabus within time.
- Providing easy and good material with good teaching classes.
- Conducting of mid exams perfectly.
- Correction of mid papers and telling what mistakes the student makes.
- Don't give marks against rules.
If the above things must happen correctly...99% of students don't fail in exams.
- Giving some more time to students for each least 5 months.
- Conducting of supplies alternatively like if 1,3,5 sem regular exams are running..2,4,6 semester supply exams.
- Care must be taken at spot evaluation.
- Care must be taken on internal marks.
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