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All of the following questions are prepared according to new revised syllabus.
Short Answer Questions
- Discuss key features of algorithm.
- Explain characteristics and limitations of computers.
- Write about different applications of computer.
- What is the difference between algorithm and flowchart.
Long Answer Questions
- Discuss different generations of programming languages.
- Explain the block diagram of computer.
- Explain different types of computer.
- What is flowchart? How it is useful in the context of program development.
- Write an algorithm and draw flow chart to find biggest of three numbers.
- Draw the flowchart to calculate the sum of the first 10 numbers.
- Write an algorithm to find a given number is prime number or not.
- Write an algorithm and draw flowchart for finding a perfect number.
- Draw flowchart to find the roots of quadratic equation.
- Draw flowchart for sum and average of two numbers.
Chapter-I( Introduction to C)
Short Answer Questions
- Write structure of C program.
- Explain about type conversion and typecasting.
- What are bitwise operators.
- What are input statements in C?
- Explain about constant in C.
- What is the use of C language?
- What is the difference between assembler and interpreter.
- Write about ternary operator.
- Write the steps involved in executing a C program.
- Explain about Unary operators in C.
- What is an identifier in C? Explain rules for naming an identifier.
- What is variable? Explain different types of variables in C.
- Explain operators precedence and associativity.
Long Answer Questions
- What is an Operator? List out various types of operators used in C.
- Explain about different types of data types that the C language support.
- Write about various C Tokens.
Chapter-II( Decision control and looping statements)
Short Answer Questions
- Write about break and continue statements in C.
- Describe jump statements available in C.
- What is nested loop?
- Write the syntax and example for goto statement in C.
Long Answer Questions
- Explain different types of conditional branching statements in C.
- Discuss about various looping statements with flow diagrams and examples.
- Write a C program to check weather given number is Armstrong number or not.
- Write a C program to check weather given number is palindrome number or not.
- Write a C program ton find large number among two using conditional operator.
- Write a C program to find the quadratic equation.
- Write a C program for finding biggest of 3 numbers.
- Write a C program for finding perfect number.
- Write a C program to find the sum of individual digits of positive integer.
- Write a C program to generate the first 'n' terms of the sequence.
- Write a C program to generate all the prime numbers between 1 and N. Where N is the value enter by the user.
Chapter-I (Arrays)
Short Answer Questions
- Explain initialization of arrays with examples.
- Define array. How do you store values in the array.
- Define array. Write deceleration and accessing elements of array.
- Write about multi-dimensional arrays in C.
Long Answer Questions
- Explain One, Two, and Multi dimensional arrays in C.
- Explain two dimensional arrays with examples.
- Define array. How to pass 1D array to functions.
- Explain various operations performed on 1D array.
- Explain various operations performed on 2D array.
Chapter-II ( Charter and string handling)
Short Answer Questions
- Define string. How to you declare and initialize a character array in C.
- Explain different types of string input and output functions.
- Explain array of strings in C.
Long Answer Questions
- List and explain various string functions in C.
- List and explain various character handling functions in C.
- Write a C program to sort the given set of 'n' numbers by using arrays.
- Write a C program to find largest of 'n' numbers using arrays.
- Write a C program for searching a given element in an array.
- Write C program for i) Transpose of matrix ii) addition of two matrices iii) subtraction of two matrices iii) Multiplication of two matrices.
- Write a C program to reverse a given string.
- Write a C program to find the length of string.
- Write a C program to check weather a given number is palindrome or not.
- Write a C program to sort list names.
Short Answer Questions
- What is function? What are the advantages of using functions in C?
- Explain user defined and pre defined functions in C.
- Explain about function prototype.
- Explain different types of parameters.
- Explain recursion Vs Iteration.
Long Answer Questions
- Explain parameter passing techniques in C.
- Explain various scope rules in C.
- Explain various storage classes in C.
- What recursion? With an example and program explain how it works.
- Write a C program to find sum of two numbers using functions.
- Write a C program to find biggest of two numbers using functions.
- Write a C program to find factorial of a given number using recursion.
- Write a C program to find GCD of two numbers using recursion.
- Write a C program to print Fibonacci series using recursion.
Chapter-II( Structure, Union and Enumerated data types)
Short Answer Questions
- Write about self referential structures in C.
- Write about nested structures in C.
- Write the difference between array and structures in C.
- What are the advantages of structure type variable over array type variable.
- Explain typedef in C.
- Explain enumeration data type in C
- Write the differences between structures and unions in C.
Long Answer Questions
- What is structure? How to declare, initialize and access structure members?
- Write about structure and pointers.
- Write about structures and arrays.
- Write about structures and functions.
- Write a C program to find grade of student using structures.
- Write a C program to read 'N' student details and print them.
Short Answer Questions
- What is pointer? How to declare and initialize it? Write uses of pointers.
- Explain address and indirection operators in C.
- Explain null and generic pointers.
- Explain pointers arithmetic and expressions in C.
- Explain drawbacks of pointers.
Long Answer Questions
- Explain pointers and arrays.
- What DMA? Explain different types of function that support DMA in C.
- Write a C program for various pointers arithmetic and expressions.
- Write a C program to swap two numbers using Pointers.
- Write a C program to reverse a given array elements.
Short Answer Questions
- What is file? Write the uses of files in C.
- Explain different file modes
- Explain different types of files.
Long Answer Questions
- Explain various file input and output functions in C.
- Explain file processing facilities in C
- How to detect end of file(EOF)? Explain.
- Write about error handling during file operations.
- Write a C program to open an existing file and append some text to it.
- Write a C program to read details of a student file and write into another file.
- Write a C program to copy the content of one file into another file.
- Write a C program to read data from file consisting of fields register number, name, marks in six subject.
- Write a simple program to read the content pf any fie and then print it on the output screen.
- Write a C program to create student data file it have roll number, student name, father name, address.
- Write a C program to create an employee file with the data employee name, employee number, salary. Read data into file and print them.
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