ANU UG/Degree 4th Sem Y23 Batch Important Questions for Sem Exams are now available for all groups B.A / B.Com / BCA / B.Sc. These questions will help your to get good marks in your semester exams.
ANU UG/Degree 4th Sem Y23 Batch Important Questions
Skill Courses
Multidisciplinary Courses
- Fundamentals of Economics
- Indian Philosophy
- Performing Arts
- Introduction to Geography
- Basic Statistics
- Introduction to Nanotechnology
Science Courses
- Mathematics: Ring Theory & Problem Solving
- Physics: Electricity and Magnetism
- Chemistry: Physical Chemistry-II (States of Matter, Phase Rule & Surface Chemistry)
- Statistics: Sampling Techniques
- Geology: Elements of Petrology
- Computer Science: Database Management Systems
- Data Science: Data Visualization
- Artificial Intelligence: Data Warehousing and Data Mining
- Botany: Anatomy and Embryology of Angiosperms
- Zoology: Embryology
- Biochemistry: Bioenergetics and Metabolism of Carbohydrates and Lipids
- Biotechnology: Immunology
- Microbiology: Molecular Biology and Microbial Genetics
- Medical Laboratory Technology: Medical Microbiology
- Biomedical Science: Nutrition and Dietetics
- Food Science and Technology: Food Additives and Toxicology
- Nutrition: Diet Therapy
- Multimedia: Fundamentals of Film Making
- Home Science: Nutrition During Life Span
- Industrial Chemistry: Physical Chemistry-II
- Electronics: Electrical and Electronic Instrumentation
- Aquaculture: Fish Health Management
Arts & Commerce Courses
- History: Social Change in Modern India
- Special English: Introduction to Victorian Literature (1837-1900)
- Special Telugu: Prachina Telugu Sahitya Vimarsa
- Economics: India and AP Economy
- Political Science: Indian Government
- Sociology: Social Statistics
- Social Work: Social Work Practice with Government & NGOs
- Travel & Tourism Management: Management of Tourist Transport
- Human Resource Management: Human Resource Development
- Rural Development: Human Resource Development in Rural Areas
- Journalism & Mass Communication: Communication Theory
- Public Administration: Public Relations and Communication Skills
- BAOL: Prabandha Sahityam
- BCA: Python Programming
- BHM: Food Production Operations-2
- BBA: Marketing Management
- B.Com (General/CA): Corporate Accounting
- B.Com (General): Auditing
Science Courses
- Mathematics: Introduction to Real Analysis & Problem Solving
- Physics: Modern Physics
- Chemistry: General and Physical Chemistry
- Statistics: Design and Analysis of Experiments
- Geology: Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic Petrology
- Computer Science: Object-Oriented Software Engineering
- Data Science: Data Visualization Using Python
- Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learning Using Python
- Artificial Intelligence: Introduction to AI
- Botany: Plant Ecology, Biodiversity, and Phytogeography
- Zoology: Animal Physiology - Life Sustaining Systems
- Biochemistry: Clinical Biochemistry
- Biotechnology: Bioinformatics and Biostatistics
- Microbiology: Microbial Physiology and Metabolism
- Medical Laboratory Technology: Immunology and Enzymology
- Biomedical Science: Pharmacology
- Food Science and Technology: Food Packaging
- Nutrition: Nutrition in Critical Care
- Multimedia: Nuendo
- Home Science: Interior Design and Decoration
- Industrial Chemistry: General and Physical Chemistry
- Electronics: Microcontroller System
- Aquaculture: Shrimp Health Management
Arts & Commerce Courses
- History: Indian National Movement (1857-1947)
- Special English: Introduction to Modern Literature (1900-1940)
- Special Telugu: Telugu Natakam
- Economics: Statistical Methods for Economics
- Political Science: Dynamics of Indian Political System
- Sociology: Urban Sociology and Urban Development
- Social Work: Professional Competence for Social Work Practice
- Travel & Tourism Management: Hospitality Management
- Human Resource Management: Employee Compensation Management
- Rural Development: Rural Industrialization and Entrepreneurship
- Journalism & Mass Communication: Travel Journalism
- Public Administration: Social Welfare Administration
- BAOL: Bala Vyakaranam & Kavyalankara Sangraham
- BCA: Operating Systems
- BHM: Food and Beverage Operations -2
- BBA: Human Resource Management
- B.Com (General/CA): Cost & Management Accounting
- B.Com (General/CA): Database Management System with Oracle
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